Mastodon Nachhilfe Onlineunterricht | Nachhilfe online + Nachhilfe zu Hause : Nachhilfe-Vermittlung




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 Einträge: 1 
 1. 03.05.13
ID 482
Lehrer/in: A 103768

Englisch via Skype!

Die erste Lektion kostenlos:)
Ich kann Dir in Englisch. Ich bin ein Muttersprachler aus Großbritannien. Deshalb habe ich Unterricht nur in Englisch durchgeführt empfehlen. Wenn Sie interessiert sind schreiben Sie bitte. Ich unterrichte über Skype! Es ist beliebt und effektiv heutzutage. Die erste Lektion kostenlos:) Grüße herzlich

I am a highly-organized teacher, with over 5 years experience of teaching English in primary schools mainly. I love teaching English and I am passionate about the English language, culture, history. I have experience in teaching English to kids, teens and adults. I use a wide range of learning resources, designed to cater for different learning styles. I offer teaching with an emphasis on practical communication. I have a genuine passion for teaching, and this translates into a very strong work ethic on my part It is a real pleasure for me to see the development of my students’ language skills, and how a broader vocabulary and knowledge of grammar allows them to express and understand increasingly complex ideas. Would you like a personal tutor to help you with your English skills? Look no further! Improve your English all from the comfort of your own home via Skype. I have no doubt that you will enjoy our lessons together. I am available to teach at almost any time of the day. My schedule is very flexible. My teaching credentials are available upon request. Using online technology connected with language learning is really effective. To prove this I offer your first lesson free:)
Stichworte: Englisch, frei

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