Mastodon Nachhilfe | Suche Math, Chemistry, Biochemistry, Biology, ESL 6000 Cebu City, BS Food Technology Graduate + years of Tutoring experience, : Nachhilfe-Vermittlung




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Nachhilfe in Math, Chemistry, Biochemistry, Biology, ESL

ID 13830
6000 Cebu City
Math, Chemistry, Biochemistry, Biology, ESL
BS Food Technology Graduate + years of Tutoring experience
Grade school and high school
Nachhilfe Profilbild
My tutoring service is the answer. I offer an alternative teaching style, and hassle-free. My name is Archie, and I am an experienced tutor. I have tutored young children (grade 1-12) in reading, writing, math, homework help, and in various other subjects, using my own learning materials as well as tutoring through an after school program. I have also been a tutor and mentor to middle and high-school-aged youth in subjects ranging from Math to homework or organization help (mostly Sciences and Math subjects, or general homework help). I have tutored college students as well, in subjects such as Chemistry and Biology. I have a strong background in learning and education. I have tutored children with ADD, children who are in the process of learning English, and older youth with learning difficulties. I am a very patient, cheerful, and friendly person. I am responsible and professional, and my highest priority is making learning interesting and worthwhile to the student. Having able to handle several years of tutoring in diverse population of students, I have adopted a similar teaching style and method to help students find enjoyment in the process of learning, using their personal interests and skills to carry each lesson further. Offering choices like these promotes a child's self-efficacy in education, which will not only help them to enjoy the process of learning, but also give them the ability to become an independent learner. I am available to tutor during the coming school year, and payment is negotiable - let me know what is affordable to you. The rate is just the same as TUTORVISTA has offered but hassle-free from all the scheduling and among other red tapes you would have to go through any companies. Most importantly, I mainly want to help students become excited about learning, and more successful in the subjects and areas they have trouble with. Please contact me; I would love to help your student! email me: yo... *err*
VHS (Verhandlungssache),  
ab ~11 €/h  info
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Nachhilfe in 6000 Cebu City, Philippines:

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