Mastodon Nachhilfe math 31770 Tanta, 1) Faculty of education math department Tanta University 2) Diploma in teaching math in Faculty, Tanta IB, IB Nachhilfe in Tanta : Nachhilfe-Vermittlung




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Nachhilfe IB Tanta

Es geht evtl. um mehrere Themen(?):

Der Ortsname ist nicht eindeutig. Meintest du: 22520 Tanta in San Martín | 15660 Tanta in Lima | 03510 Tanta in Apurimac
Suche: IB in Tanta  (1 Ergebnis)   

Nachhilfe in Tanta

Nachhilfe math Primary - preporatory - high school/from k - 12

ID 28666
aus 31770 Tanta
1) Faculty of education math department Tanta University 2) Diploma in teaching math in Faculty of education Tanta University
Primary - preporatory - high school/from k - 12
1) Training to improve the maths teaching for the teachers of mathematics in the main training center in Tanta 2) Training to use the computer in the main training center in Manshia Elbakry. 3) Training to deal with the internet in education in the general office of the ministry of Education in Cairo. 4) Training on the new methods of teaching mathematics in (teaching for adult center) in Sers Elian. 5) Training on the international competition for mathematics TIMSS and the methods of training students on it. 6) Training on the ICDL of computer in April 2003. 7) Training on the electronic learning and working as a responsIBle for the electronic learning in Mahalet Marhoum prep school for boys. 8) Training on using the Multimedia to alter the scientific matter to programs. 9) Working as a trainer to the students to divert the scientific matter to programs. 10) Working as a trainer to the workers in the Sport and youth ministry and locals to make sites on the internet in 2005. 11) Working as a trainer to teachers to divert the scientific matter to programs by using the Multimedia and training them to design scientific sites on the internet by using the Publisher in 2005. 12) Training to use teaching technology in learning in March and April 2007 13) Training to use modern technology equipments and network in jun 2007
VHS (Verhandlungssache),  
ab ~11 €/h  info
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