Mastodon Nachhilfe Maths, English, Science, Art, Social Studies 2104 Sydney, Bachelor of Education - Queensland University Diploma of Teaching - Macauly Teachers College Brisba, Sydney Ciencias, Ciencias Nachhilfe in Sydney : Nachhilfe-Vermittlung




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Nachhilfe Ciencias Sydney

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Der Ortsname ist nicht eindeutig. Meintest du: 33587 Sydney in Florida | 2000 Sydney in New South Wales | 1110 Sydney in New South Wales | 1112 Sydney in New South Wales | 1113 Sydney in New South Wales | 1114 Sydney in New South Wales | 1115 Sydney in New South Wales | 1116 Sydney in New South Wales | 1117 Sydney in New South Wales | 1118 Sydney in New South Wales | 1119 Sydney in New South Wales | 1120 Sydney in New South Wales | 1121 Sydney in New South Wales | 1122 Sydney in New South Wales | 1123 Sydney in New South Wales | 1124 Sydney in New South Wales | 1125 Sydney in New South Wales | 1126 Sydney in New South Wales | 1127 Sydney in New South Wales | 1128 Sydney in New South Wales
Suche: Ciencias in Sydney  (1 Ergebnis)   

Nachhilfe in Sydney

Nachhilfe Maths, English, Science, Art, Social Stu... Kindy to Year 6

ID 21490
aus 2104 Sydney
Maths, English, Science, Art, Social Studies
Bachelor of Education - Queensland University Diploma of Teaching - Macauly Teachers College Brisbane
Kindy to Year 6
I am a very patient tutor - I believe that children should enjoy learning and strive to create a creative learning environment. As a parent I understand the difficulties of children stuggling through primary school - especially with the many assignments and projects they are given - and how difficult it can be to give your child assistance when they come home from school in the afternoons. I had a tutor for my daugher and I cannot tell you how wonderful it was for her to have someone guiding her through her homework and assignments (especially not her mother!!). I hope to hear from you soon!
VHS (Verhandlungssache),  
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