Mastodon Nachhilfe | Suche phonics, english, french.converastional english for adults Al Ain, Educational Qualifications:rn- Veterinary Surgeon (Algeria) Constantine Universityrn- Diploma in Chi, : Nachhilfe-Vermittlung




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Nachhilfe in phonics, english, french.converastional english for adults

ID 37230
Al Ain
phonics, english, french.converastional english for adults
Educational Qualifications:rn- Veterinary Surgeon (Algeria) Constantine Universityrn- Diploma in Childhood Daycare (Singapore), ICS Learning Centresrn- Diploma in Early Childhood Course (London), Modern Montessori InternationalrnExperience: + : Kindergarten teacher in LVU Childcare Centre (Singapore). + : Directress in Ripples Montessori (Singapore). + : Directress in
University graduate
My work philosophy - Share my Montessori teaching experience and work as a team to promote the Montessori teaching line at the workplace - Apply and remain flexible in the development of children in Montessori methodology of educationrn- Advise and report to parents and guardians on the progress of their children - Withhold integrity and professional character at the work place - Use my knowledge and my experience as a kindergarten teacher to help children to achieve their highest potential Skills I have a great knowledge in using Montessori materials and helped many children with autism and dyslexia achieving their potential in reading. I am a very patient and very dedicated to my work and have strong communication skills. I am also very imaginative and creative and has tremendous love for kids I have been conducting private tuiton for more than 8 years ,I taught children from 3 years to 12 years reading base on phonics ,Grammar and Vocabulary base on the Montessori MethodrnI conducted conversational English classes for adults I am fluent in french and helped students to achieve good grades for examsrnI am very friendly ,warm ,considerate and very helpful
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