Mastodon Nachhilfe | Suche Mathematics, Engineering Drawing, Graphics, Machine Drawing Engineering Mechanics E7 8HW London, M.Tech., Leadership in Education (India); Teacher's Training in London, UK., : Nachhilfe-Vermittlung




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Nachhilfe in Mathematics, Engineering Drawing, Graphics, Machine Drawing Engineering Mechanics

ID 17185
E7 8HW London
Mathematics, Engineering Drawing, Graphics, Machine Drawing Engineering Mechanics
M.Tech., Leadership in Education (India); Teacher's Training in London, UK.
I am working as a sensitive and patient teacher in Mathematics for KS3, KS4 and GCSE levels and also working as a Senior Teacher, NewLAP, Newham College of Further Education in London, UK. I guide and teach different kinds of young students in various subjects, and I include every student in the learning process as per the individual needs. I differentiate in teaching & learning for catering to the different requirements of the different students. I value the TQM in teaching and learning process and treat the student as the most important stakeholder for whom our services are meant. If students perform well, achieve as per the objectives and get all the support they need, then I feel very satisfied and work further to teach, support, guide and help every needy student in a sensitive, respectable, committed, flexible/ accommodative and caring manner. I am very passionate in teaching and tuitions to help all types of students to achieve and enjoy learning, performing and progressing in their education and professions. I have more than 24 years of experience in teaching and tuitions as per the individual needs of the learners.
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